FAU MoD Lecture: Thoughts on Machine Learning
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FAU MoD Lecture: Thoughts on Machine Learning

Techniques of machine learning (ML) find a rapidly increasing range of applications touching upon social, economic, and technological aspects of everyday life. They are also being used with great enthusiasm to fill in gaps in our scientific knowledge by data-based modelling approaches. When these technologies are employed to take over decisive functionality in safety-critical applications, we would like to exactly know how to guarantee their compliance with pre-defined guardrails and limitations. Moreover, when they are utilized as building blocks in scientific research, it would violate scientific standards -in my opinion- if these building blocks were used without a throrough understanding of their functionality, including inaccuracies, uncertainties, and other pitfalls. In this context, Prof. Dr. Rupert Klein will juxtapose (a subset of) deep neural network methods with the family of entropy-optimal Sparse Probabilistic Approximation (sSPA) techniques developed recently by Illia Horenko (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau) and colleagues.

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Datum & Uhrzeit
Freitag, 20. September 2024
14:30 16:00 (Europe/Berlin)

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Research Center for Mathematics of Data (MoD)

Cauerstraße 11
91058 Erlangen
--Research Center for Mathematics of Data (MoD)--



Research Center for Mathematics of Data (MoD)

--Research Center for Mathematics of Data (MoD)--

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