TUM Science Hackathon
Registrierungen sind geschlossen

TUM Science Hackathon

Bild © A. Uhlig

Nehmen Sie an dieser TUM-Veranstaltung teil

In our first Science Hacks we tackled specific areas, including Sustainability, Human-centered Technology and Building A New Reality. In last year's Hack, we brought edge-cutting solutions in the topic of Trustworthy Systems.

This year, we once again focus on a topic which affects everyday lives of all of us:

New Work – hardly working?
Do you also want to support creative young minds ready to tackle the biggest challenges of our time? Don't hesitate and contact us at sciencehack@ja.tum.de.
By supporting us, you get a direct contact to our hackers, promotion of your corporate message in all our channels and listing as one of our partners!

Registrierungen sind geschlossen
Datum & Uhrzeit
Freitag, 24. Mai 2024
Start - 10:00 (Europe/Berlin)
Sonntag, 26. Mai 2024
Ende - 17:30 (Europe/Berlin)

Zum Kalender hinzufügen


Technische Universität München

Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
--Technische Universität München--
+49 89 28901



Technische Universität München

--Technische Universität München--
+49 89 28901

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