Can AI be responsible? An interdisciplinary panel discussion

Can AI be responsible? An interdisciplinary panel discussion

Interdisciplinary panel discussion with keynote speech, followed by a discussion with the audience on the question “Can AI be responsible?”

Keynote: Prof. Dr. Sabina Leonelli (Philosophy & History of Science and Technology, TU Munich)

Panel discussion: Dr. Timo Freiesleben (Machine Learning and XAI, Uni Tuebingen), Prof. Dr. Annemarie Friedrich (Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities, Uni Augsburg), Prof. Dr. Sarah Friedrich (Mathematical Statistics and Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Uni Augsburg), Dr. Niina Zuber (Digital Ethics, bidt)

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schlögl-Flierl (Moral Theologist, Member of the German Ethics Council, Uni Augsburg), Kathrin Hertle (Managing Director CReAITech)

Datum & Uhrzeit
Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024
19:00 20:00 (Europe/Berlin)

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Hochschule für Philosophie München

Kaulbachstraße 31/33
80530 München
--Hochschule für Philosophie München--
+49 89 23862300



Center for Responsible AI Technologies, Kathrin Hertle

--Center for Responsible AI Technologies, Kathrin Hertle--

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